

Walking around Kanazawa 01『金沢駅/Kanazawa Station』



金沢は昔から「弁当忘れても傘忘れるな」という言葉があるほど、天候がころころ変わる街です。これだけ雨について書いているなら、もっと雨空や水たまりの写真を載せてもよかったのではと思うかもしれませんが、この本には晴れた日の写真が多いです。合成写真だと思いますか? これだけ言ってくれば疑いたくなるかもしれませんが、金沢にも、たしかに晴れる日があるのです。


Next stop, Kanazawa Station

Kanazawa Station is the heart and hub of Kanazawa City. The uniquely designed glass Motenashi Dome protects the hundreds and thousands coming in and out of the city through the station’s east entrance. A very kind gesture from one of the wettest prefectures in Japan. The Tsuzumi gate resembles Japanese tsuzumi hand drums, a nod towards the traditional Noh performing arts, an old and traditional performance style still seen today. The west exit also sports an interesting roof, a homage to the pretty paper umbrellas still made here in the city.

There is a saying often used here, “you can forget your lunch box, but don’t forget your umbrella.” An acknowledgement of the weather being terribly unpredictable. And here I am mentioning the rain again. For a book that talks about the weather so much, you’d think I would’ve included a few more photos with grey skies or rain puddles. Call it what you want. False advertising, perhaps.

Even though Kanazawa Station is the transportation hub of the Hokuriku area, it is easy to navigate, clean, and easy to find. However, once when less than 300 metres away from the West Gate, I was asked for directions to the station by a man who claimed to be from Kanazawa. Meanwhile, directly in front of us, there was a big blue road sign pointing straight ahead to Kanazawa Station. He also asked for English lessons, so I suspect he might’ve had ulterior motives.

  • 記事を書いたライター
  • ライターの新着記事


  1. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Ahmed Hassan

  2. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Rob Songer

  3. Walking around Kanazawa 07『金沢城公園/Kanazawa Castle Park』

  4. Walking around Kanazawa 06『石浦神社/Ishiura Shrine』

  5. 石川県の日常で見つけた “First Signs of Summer”

  6. Walking around Kanazawa 05『兼六園/Kenroku-en Garden』

  7. Walking around Kanazawa 04『ひがし茶屋街/Higashi Chaya District』

  8. Walking around Kanazawa 03『主計町茶屋街/Kazuemachi Chaya District』

  9. Walking around Kanazawa 02『近江町市場/Ōmichō Market』

  10. Walking around Kanazawa 01『金沢駅/Kanazawa Station』