

Walking around Kanazawa 05『兼六園/Kenroku-en Garden』




Garden Supreme

Kenroku-en Garden is a beautiful traditionally kept garden situated in the centre of Kanazawa City. One of Japan’s top three gardens, Kenroku-en is a must-see when taking a walk around the city. Every season it offers a new variety of colours, ranging from pink cherry blossoms in the spring to vivid greenery in the summer, bold oranges and reds in the leaves during autumn, and the unique sight of yukizuri (ropes tied to protect the branches of the tree from heavy loads of snow) during the white winters. A wonderful place to visit any time of the year.

Though there is an entrance fee, general admission is about the same as a cup of coffee. Besides, you can’t walk around Kanazawa and not visit its namesake. Legend has it that about 1,200 years ago, Towogoro, a Japanese yam farmer, washed his yams in a stream in what is now known as Kenroku-en Garden. While washing his yams, golden grains glistened and flowed down the stream. There is a theory that the stream where he washed the yams was called “Kanaarai-zawa,” which became, as we know it today, Kanazawa.

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  1. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Ahmed Hassan

  2. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Rob Songer

  3. Walking around Kanazawa 07『金沢城公園/Kanazawa Castle Park』

  4. Walking around Kanazawa 06『石浦神社/Ishiura Shrine』

  5. 石川県の日常で見つけた “First Signs of Summer”

  6. Walking around Kanazawa 05『兼六園/Kenroku-en Garden』

  7. Walking around Kanazawa 04『ひがし茶屋街/Higashi Chaya District』

  8. Walking around Kanazawa 03『主計町茶屋街/Kazuemachi Chaya District』

  9. Walking around Kanazawa 02『近江町市場/Ōmichō Market』

  10. Walking around Kanazawa 01『金沢駅/Kanazawa Station』